- gained, lost, gained, lost, gained 2 kilos (it’s all muscle I tell you)
- went on an amazing trip to Marlborough Sounds with amazing flatmates + 1 random
- got a degree!
- advertised the mister’s channel hard out (click this out:
Meh that’s all I can think of now. Altogether a very fulfilling year thanks to the big guy up there watching out for me :) Wonder what lies ahead next year?
My creative juices were overflowing, so I made my own jewellery holder! Not bad right.. As you can see, I love my hoop earrings.
But I'm putting 90% of the blame on the China-made rack :P
My new buy today!!
I don't usually buy shoes with "toe cleavage" (as sarah kee calls them) cos they're just a bit too sexy. But couldn't resist these, sigh~
One day I'll blog about my fave shop where I got these, my Hush Puppies, Ecco shoes, Witchery and Cue clothes from!
So that you don't miss my smile too much! :P
PS: I'm blaming my big brother for the little chip on my front left tooth. Can't remember how he did it but he did it I'm sure.
Turn into a hungry ghost festival pen already...
This is my pretty red bag:
This is it after only a few uses:
These are a sample of earrings of which I've lost/destroyed/vacuum-sucked the other side:
This is my keyboard with the keys celloptaped on:
I think that apart from a pet-killer, I am also a stuff killer. If I borrow books from friends, I would try and flatten the wrinkles by piling dictionaries and other heavy stuff on top of them overnight before returning. I never buy expensive sunglasses cos I've broken at least 3 pairs by chucking them in my bag along with all my other stuff. More unbreakable stuff should be invented for people like me. Like this!
Life would be so much easier...
Me thinks these politicians deserve a bloody good smacking for wasting money like this.
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