Until a few years ago, I had a list for the perfect guy, just like the female lead in The Ugly Truth. He would be slightly taller and older than me, smart, play the guitar, Asian but with really good English, outspoken, just a bit chubby (so that I don’t feel fat), pleasant-looking (but not too hot as to attract unwanted attention), have good earning potential, and possess a car.
And then I met Buz.
Although he’s smart, funny, taller and older than me, he was also skinny as when I met him, white, didn’t have a car, quiet, plays the piano instead of guitar (lol might as well plug his channel here http://www.youtube.com/user/BuzBG), and just a bit too hot :P As you can see, he didn’t quite make the list but he got me anyhow (read: “I got him” for his version). To be sure, he has other qualities that I wasn’t specifically looking for, things which would top my list if I had one still, like being gentle, unassuming, patient, always understanding, funny, cooks, and I better stop now just in case he reads this..
Moral of the story is, burn your list. When you meet someone you meet someone. We’re a dino couple now, and it’s kinda hard imagining what it’ll be like without him. Can't vouch for what’s going to happen in the future, but it’s been a great 3 years :)

AH!!! I know Buz! :D Believe it or not, we used to work at Disability Support Services together at uni. When I was still with DSS, he was a 4th year student. That was last year. :) Wow small world.
Lol i knew we'd have mutual friends! But didn't expect it to be Buz.. Don't tell him I wrote about him hehe
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