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Wednesday, November 04, 2009

Smoothie Baby

Today, I will talk about the purplish goo that I’ve been having for breakkie! Every morning, my long suffering flatmates wake up to the alarm clock that is my beloved Philips blender. I’ve tried damping the sound by wrapping my blender in a cloth but it’s still quite loud… I think they still love me though :)

For a super duper powderful smoothie, I usually use:

Banana, kiwifruit, and some mixed berries... (Blueberries + strawberries + raspberries are the best combination I think. Currently, I have cranberries, blackberries, and blackcurrants in stock. I also microwave them a bit so that I don’t get brainfreeze.)

A few slices of mango...

About half a cup of plain yoghurt... If you want it sweeter, you can add vanilla yoghurt:

Baileys (Haha jokes. Don't you think our collection is pretty though?)

A small tps of spirulina (smells and tastes like rotted liver but it’s SUPER good for you)

Put banana, yoghurt, mango, spirulina, kiwifruit, and berries in that order cos it blends pretty that way.

I left out the mango and kiwifruit for this one

It usually isn’t that pretty. I cheat one, added the sliced lemon and wand for presentation-- tips I learnt from working in the hospitality industry. Huitein would be so proud of me!

I’ve packed my smoothie to class quite a few times, and I always get people asking me “What is that?!” in a disgusted tone and a scrunched up face. To be fair, it does look a bit like Barney’s vomit, but it is oh so yummylicious! Try it :)


Chopstick said...

:) i think it looks delicious! i'm a major smoothie fiend. i especially love the banana yoghurt smoothie that you can get from Clark's cafe in the central library in town. :D and the mango smoothie at Katipo. ohm nom nom...

btw, i hope i didn't scare you away yesterday :S yikes!

Phee said...

i seldom try smoothies outside cos i love the ones that i make! and of course u didn't scare me away, i thought i might'v freaked u out a little :) might cya at group exercise sometime! oh i saw ur jewellery in Swonderful, think i'll buy it when i'm earning more hehe

Jarod Yong said...

It looks really good freshly blended but once you leave it for a while... ugh...

I wish I had a blender too...
I love smoothies...
but cannot coz I work in the Amazon...

p/s: welcome back to blogging! =)

LaiNe said...

It's very nice, Fi and I can't wait to have some more the next time I'm at yours :D I also heard that you followed my suggestion and bought the frozen berries from Moore Wilson' kg :P

Tina Lee said...

Yer~ fiona Lee, when u com back to msia u onli make green tea but seldom blend...!! com back blend sum for me!!!! =)