For a super duper powderful smoothie, I usually use:
It usually isn’t that pretty. I cheat one, added the sliced lemon and wand for presentation-- tips I learnt from working in the hospitality industry. Huitein would be so proud of me!
I’ve packed my smoothie to class quite a few times, and I always get people asking me “What is that?!” in a disgusted tone and a scrunched up face. To be fair, it does look a bit like Barney’s vomit, but it is oh so yummylicious! Try it :)
:) i think it looks delicious! i'm a major smoothie fiend. i especially love the banana yoghurt smoothie that you can get from Clark's cafe in the central library in town. :D and the mango smoothie at Katipo. ohm nom nom...
btw, i hope i didn't scare you away yesterday :S yikes!
i seldom try smoothies outside cos i love the ones that i make! and of course u didn't scare me away, i thought i might'v freaked u out a little :) might cya at group exercise sometime! oh i saw ur jewellery in Swonderful, think i'll buy it when i'm earning more hehe
It looks really good freshly blended but once you leave it for a while... ugh...
I wish I had a blender too...
I love smoothies...
but cannot coz I work in the Amazon...
p/s: welcome back to blogging! =)
It's very nice, Fi and I can't wait to have some more the next time I'm at yours :D I also heard that you followed my suggestion and bought the frozen berries from Moore Wilson' kg :P
Yer~ fiona Lee, when u com back to msia u onli make green tea but seldom blend...!! com back blend sum for me!!!! =)
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