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Friday, December 19, 2008

Sole Asian

When my German flatmate moves in today, there is no doubt that I am, and will be, the only Asian in my flat for a couple of months at least. Currently, I have a Kiwi, a Belgian, and 2 American flatmates, and it’s been great fun.

After living overseas for years, there comes a point when you just cease to notice the colour of your skin, until the occasional Asian jokes surfaces. White people cease to be white people, and they don’t all look alike. You stop hugging random white guys cos you mistook them for your bf (I'm kidding).

Perhaps I just became one of them? I actually feel more comfortable talking to Malaysians here in English rather than Mandarin, even when their English isn’t that great. Some Kiwis are surprised when I tell them that I’ve only been in New Zealand for 3 years. I feel a mixed sense of chagrin and honour when I hear that. On one hand, I have successfully blended in. On the other hand, that could mean that I have abandoned my own culture. Maybe I am a SPG deep inside, treating Caucasians like gods, and wanting to be one of them.

But then again, I’m not really one of them. I can’t stand their notion of equating a good night out with getting pissed drunk, screaming like mad women and puking on the streets. Nor can I understand their national obsession with rugby (I’m generalising, of course). The ones that I do click with are the ones who are outside the norm.

The people I hang out with in law school are mostly Asians, although they come from Indonesia, China, Philippines, Hong Kong etc. When I see an Asian, I’m far more inclined to start up a conversation with him/her, compared to a Caucasian.

When it comes to matters of the heart , I spill my beans to a select few who are unsurprisingly, Malaysian mostly. The way I think and react is so ingrained in me by the culture I was brought up in that I know only Malaysians can truly understand what I am going through. The exceptions would be those whom I’ve known so long that they’ve come to understand my culture.

As a sidenote, it’s funny how when one is overseas, one is less a Chinese, Malay, or Indian. We’re just Malaysian. Maybe the whole population of Malaysia should migrate overseas. Maybe then we can be ‘Malaysia truly Malaysia’ instead of ‘Malaysia truly Malay Chinese Indian’. Or maybe we should just abandon race-based politics.

Monday, November 24, 2008

Why Harvey Dent?

(No no see if you haven't watched The Dark Knight)

In the Dark Knight, the Joker tells Batman that Rachel is at Avenue X and Dent is at 225 sth Street. Batman says he’ll save Rachel. Gordon brings all the police officers to 225 sth Street to save Dent. However, Batman ends up with Harvey and Gordon ends up where Rachel is. It wouldn’t make sense if Batman said he’ll save Rachel, but changed his mind and went to save Dent instead, since that means the police and Batman would have ended up in the same place, which they didn’t. A more likely explanation is that the Joker switched the addresses, giving Batman Dent’s address instead of Rachel’s. Love to Google for saving me endless hours of tossing in bed thinking about this, yay!

Friday, November 14, 2008

When I First Fell in Love...

With Krispy Kreme!


All behold the greatest disappearing act...

Now you see it,

Now you don't !

Of cource, one is never enough..

*Happy sigh~*

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Happy thoughts

I love Wellington on a sunny day!

When I was younger, I used to like looking at clouds and let my imagination run wild.. Seldom do that nowadays, just goes to show how adulthood is killing my creativity. I kinda think the cloud on the lower left hand corner looks like a mermaid lying down.

Other happy thoughts:

Successfully peeling off the aluminium cover on my yoghurt container without ripping it

Having fun after exams!

Going to Melbourne

Wendy's face when she sees the birthday card I sent her

Having awesome flatties~
Speaking about flatmates, me n my flatties got a MONSTER of a cauliflower!

Just to show how ginormous it is...

Bigger than Mich's head, lol...

Mich said that a cauliflower actually looks like the human brain.. so we're in the process of devouring a plant brain! Hopefully will make us smarter for exams, muahaha

Saturday, October 11, 2008


There are some things that you can't tell anyone. Because to do so means hurting the ones you love, and you know that saying it out gets you nowhere anyway. You could probably tell a stranger I guess, but all you'll get is an insincere "tsk tsk aww how sad.. " Like the Ask Thelma section in magazines.

3 years ago, the person I was would have gone by the 'what if' principle and vomit things out without thinking of the consequences. But life isn't just about me and what I want.

"There are places in our lives that only God can go."

How true.

Thursday, October 09, 2008

First time on Youtube!

I'm on my way to stardom, muahaha~ it's weird watching myself on video though, painful even...

Not telling where I am, watch the whole video! :P

Tuesday, September 30, 2008

My deepest fear

... is not that my loved ones should pass away and leave me, but that they should do so without knowing God, that I should have no hope of ever seeing them again, and that I never mustered enough will and courage to talk to them about God. Tears flow when I’m reminded about this possibility, and I get angry and disappointed with myself for always leaving it to another day, thinking there’ll always be another chance to do it, or that someone else will talk to them. I worry that I’m not praying enough, not fasting, not trying hard enough. When I was younger, I used to pray for them every night, but somehow, I lost that along the way. Did I lose hope for them? Or did I not believe that God will answer my prayers? Either way, I should not have stopped. For my family and one of my closest friends, my greatest wish is for them to come to know Him, believe in Him and love Him. At the very least, to take the first step to find out more about Him, for I know that when ones seeks, one shall find. If not for their own salvation, then for my selfishness in not wanting to lose them. Nothing else matters really, yet it’s astonishing how easy it is to talk about less important stuff when opportunities arise to breach the topic...

Friday, September 26, 2008

Melbourne, I is coming~~~

Thanks to mummy for sponsoring my trip! *heart*

Wednesday, September 24, 2008


I'm amazed sometimes at my ability to feel happy for others... non of that that's-great-for-you-wish-things-were-the-same-for-me-too, but a pure, genuine kind of joy when I hear good things happening to others.. so totally makes my day~!

People getting married...

People getting together...
People planning surprises for others...

*happy sigh~*

Friday, September 19, 2008

Can I just not care for once?

Yayness! I got a new template for my blog~ no more boring beginner templates that everyone else uses..although there're probably lotsa ppl using this one too.. but still not as many as my previous template, so there!

This morning, I was reading 2 Corinthians chapters 2 and 3.. what struck me was 3:18

But we all, with unveiled face, beholding as in a mirror the glory of the Lord, are being transformed into the same image from glory to glory, just as by the Spirit of the Lord.

Sometimes, envy gets the better of you.. especially when you're reading blogs, where people only post up the best sides of their faces (I might just be guilty of this), how wonderful their life is, and how much fun they're having all the time. It makes you wish that your life's more like theirs, that you are more like them.

But the Bible says that the person we should be mirroring is Jesus, and not some random blogger or some good-looking superhigh achiever. (Although Jesus was a superhigh achiever I reckon, and probably good-looking too :P ). We should want to be more like Him.

Must. keep. that. in. mind, although it's pretty hard I admit! I reckon I get swayed a tad too much by what the world thinks I should be, rather than what God wants me to be.

Sunday, September 14, 2008

I wanna be Foreign Minister!

Malaysian news is so fascinating, someone should make a movie out of it! ISA, trampling of Orang Asli rights, sodomy, murder trials.. even the world's best scriptwriter high on drugs wouldn't be able to come up with a more convoluted storyline. To save on costs, the movie makers could get monkeys to play certain characters... Bet the monkeys would get Oscars too for best performance.

On another note, being Foreign Minister seems to be a pretty awesome job. You get to tell the U.S to butt off, plus you get to fly to all sorts of places AND get paid for it. The current one's a lawyer by profession.. guess I chose the write subject to study!

Friday, April 04, 2008

My Ultra-progressive Country

‘Non-Muslims found committing khalwat (close proximity) with Muslims (will) also be held liable'

Speed-dating session:
Guy: So..are u Muslim?
Girl: Yes
Guy: NEXT!!

Guy and different girl khalwatting in park:
Guy: Wait wait, chup a second.
Girl: Why what's wrong?
Guy: I forgot to ask if you're Muslim lah..
Girl: Ya I am, I thought you knew that already
Guy: @^%^&#&! *flees for life*

In court:
Judge: So, you're charged under the offence of kissing a non-Muslim, have you got a defence?
Guy: I really didn't know it was wrong lah, the girl also didn't tell me until last minute..
Judge: Sorry dik, ignorance of law is no excuse. You are hereby sentenced to 10years jail and 5 strokes of the rotan. *bangs gravel*

Outside court:
"This is Tony D Angelo reporting for BBC World News. We've just had a young man sentenced to prison for kissing a Muslim girl in the park. This is the first time a country has imposed Islamic law upon non-Muslims, under the guise of it being a civil wrong. How far will this Islamic legal and political hedemony extend? When will it end, if ever? Stay tuned to find out."

Monday, February 04, 2008

Aiyaya...I got into the honours programme


Happy Rat Year to my non-existent readers! I love you all!

Just some dumb answers I came up with when my dad asked me a genuine question:

"What's the difference between a mouse and a rat?"

- One has a Mini (Minnie)

- One's attached to the computer

- One has a race

- Different spelling lah, duh...

For a technical geeky answer, please go to

Monday, January 28, 2008


So I cut my hair short.. But I'm having really sucky luck recently (apart from my haircut) so I can't be bothered to blog about it :((( Sigh~

Sunday, January 27, 2008

Mark This Day

The time has finally come.
Yes, I can feel right down to my bones,
The tingle of excitement, anticipation.
How long I've waited for this day,
How long I've fantasised about it.
I've held back too long,
I've talked myself out of it.
I've envied those who've done it,
The glow on their faces..
The spring in their steps,
The knowing looks they give..
But not anymore!
Today I shall go all the way,
And you, my adoring masses,
shall be the first to hear all about it...

Just don't tell the boyfriend.

Yes! My adoring masses still love me!

As evidenced from the ONE comment I got from dear Lainey.. and yes, that is the same pot I used to serve rice to my guests 6 hours later.

Wednesday, January 16, 2008


A grandfather told his grandson that there were 2 wolves which were arch enemies. One was good, fair, kind and just. The other was greedy, corrupt, and power-crazy. The grandson asked," So which wolf will win the fight?" And the grandfather answered: "The one that we feed."

Monday, January 14, 2008


My obsession for flow-y blouses came to an all-time high when I found myself trying on MATERNITY clothes -_- It's ok it's ok, I'm on to frilly blouses now! Like this one:

*Warning: bimbomania* Nice kan nice kan? If you see anywhere got sell, lemme know k!! I'm hooked on the Korean drama series Yu Hee the Witch now, and I LOooVE the way the main character dresses after her transformation (Chewah, not only Transformers can transform). Plus the boyfriend always do romantic stuff for her, see already the heart can melt *HINT HINT* Mm.. next time if I work, I'll dress like the main character like that. I'm even thinking of getting a bob.. but the Mr said before, he'll grow long hair if I cut mine short, so.. CANNOT! maybe next time lah, when he no hair to grow long hair ady..hehehe~~~

Speaking of pregnancy, I was talking to my mum the other day. My mum said, give birth VERY painful one ok! And the contractions come so rapidly until you cannot breathe.. I can imagine all the bones around the vagina splitting, and all the blood and sweat and screaming and goo.. Worse, the horror doesn't end there.. After you give birth, some women will become fat like cow! I think I will be one of those lo.. Dammit, I don't wanna give birth! I shall be like Angelina Jolie and adopt black kids..


Ok la, even if I do give birth, I'm gonna make sure the dad of my kid is a super duper awesome guy who will pamper me like a princess especially during the 9 months of pregnancy and EXTRA especially after I give birth! Plus cannot dump me after I become fat.. must make him sign pre-nuptial or something..wahaha~~

Wednesday, January 02, 2008

Random update

You stray, you pay... But gee, what a price! Sorry Mr Chua, year end sale finish already. My condolences...

On another note, NEVER leave your pot unwashed for 3 weeks...