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Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Mum needs a quotebook too

Me: Wellington zoo got this kiwi, one-legged one!

Mum: All kiwis are one-legged what

Me: =_= ll

Dad needs a quotebook

At the Bay of Islands…

Me: I want to go and swim with dolphins!!

Dad: Swim with dolphins for what, later go to the swimming pool I swim with you

Me: =_=

Friday, December 04, 2009

When a compliment isn't a compliment

Watching a TV show on obesity and stomach stapling:

Me: You know, fat people always have really good complexion.

Lyn: Yeah that's true. I wonder why.

Me: Must be because they don't lack any nutrients at all, cos they eat so much.


Kavita: Hey Fi, you have really good complexion.

Wednesday, December 02, 2009


In 2009, I:

- streaked my hair red
- became a tutor in a paper that I’ve never taken before
- got a couple of jobs. and kept them!
- modelled a Chinese costume chewah
- earned more than I ever have in my entire life (3.5k only lar)
- learnt to make proper coffee
- tried to pick up French. failed miserably
- got more involved in church
- completed a half-marathon
- read through 1st Peter (big accomplishment for me ok)

- made new friends! ruhanie, nat, dan, akemi, moi etc

- lost touch with some friends T_T

- emceed a fundraising event

- gained, lost, gained, lost, gained 2 kilos (it’s all muscle I tell you)

- went on an amazing trip to Marlborough Sounds with amazing flatmates + 1 random


- got a degree!


- advertised the mister’s channel hard out (click this out:



Meh that’s all I can think of now. Altogether a very fulfilling year thanks to the big guy up there watching out for me :) Wonder what lies ahead next year?

Things to do with a first class honours degree

  • Jump around ecstatically in front of flatmates and boyfriend
  • Check results on another computer just in case
  • Get a free crunchie at church during testimonial time
  • Check results again
  • Alter academic transcript to say second class upper, email it to parents, and wait for their reaction