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Sunday, October 25, 2009


The awesome folks at International Christian Fellowship gave a farewell booklet to all those who're graduating this year. It struck me how often my smile was mentioned:

When I was about 12 or so, I remember practising my smile in front of the mirror countless times. Looks like it paid off haha. Maybe I don't need braces after all.
I don't know if my smile is particularly obvious, or whether all the other graduates got the same comments too. But I do think that my default position is to smile. Like when I'm stumped for answers in class, I just put on an insanely wide grin and hope that the lecturer will move on to other prey.
It's kinda interesting thinking about what other people's default reactions are. I can think of other people who seem happy all the time, some who seem worried all the time, and some who seem sad all the time. I wonder if we're born a certain way, or whether it's how we were brought up that determines our default response. Probably a combination of both, as with all things.

So that you don't miss my smile too much! :P


PS: I'm blaming my big brother for the little chip on my front left tooth. Can't remember how he did it but he did it I'm sure.


Chopstick said...

:D i love this post! you know what? you look kinda familiar to me. wellington is way too small of a place. :) that's okay, you'll probably know if it's me on the streets, because i'll be the one tripping over myself every 10 seconds or so. :(

Phee said...

haha yeah welly's tiny.. bet we have a couple of mutual friends at least!