Last Mon, I was happily doing my business at the public toilets at Wangsa Maju when the door opened on me. $%@#!
This is the SECOND time this has happened to me, and I really don’t know which is worse. The other time, it was the cleaning lady who opened it and announced to the world that I was shitting facing the wrong way, but this time it’s actually a GUY who opened the door. *cringes*
I had no idea that I was in the men’s toilet until I felt a weird sensation something might be wrong and turned around and saw to my horror someone looking in. WHO KNOWS HOW LONG HE’S BEEN LOOKING?!
In the split second I took to slam the door in that person’s face, I realised that the person looked suspiciously like a guy. My first thought was that he must have gone to the wrong toilet. Still I was pretty embarrassed and when I could hear him next door doing his business I ran like hell out of the toilet…
I really don’t know why I keep doing this kind of siasueh stuff. It seems to happen to me on a more than normal basis. Ah well, what’s life without some excitement huh.. See now both this guy and I have a story to tell our grandkids.
Personally, I blame the toilet signs for not being obvious enough. When you’re in a hurry, where got time to scrutinise the toilet signs! Don’t even get me started on the failing locks… Malaysian locks in particular seem to have a higher tendency of failing.
Me thinks that in general the difference between men and women’s toilet signs should be more obvious. Like this is definitely FAIL:

Toilet in bowling alleys, Sabah
These are quite creative, but the differences still need to be emphasised more. Somemore when you go bungy jumping u’ll surely be very nervous one right?

Women toilet signs should be in bright pink, labelled WOMEN big big. The toilet walls should be bright pink and with pink toilet bowls, fluffy chairs and all. The guys’ one, I don’t care. Just make sure a guy is always standing by the door.
As for these public toilets, I don’t even DARE to try..i just KNOW something bad’s gonna happen to me. Apparently the doors will open automatically after 15 mins, but I’m sure they’ll specially open it sooner just for me.

Photo from
Interesting, I was just reading an article about public toilet privacy:
wow..funny post but I guess it must be really embarassing
Now I have a term for why the little ones don't wanna go to the toilet when I asked them too :P
Dont you worry about cleanliness?
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