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Friday, May 08, 2009

Speak Up

Yesterday in my Mediation class, the lecturer mentioned that most people are scared to death of speaking up in public. She’s met CEOs and high-standing people who absolutely dread talking in front of others.

It’s good to know that I am in the majority. When I am called (or volunteer) to perform this arduous task, my face turns bright red, my heart rate shoots up, and I cringe at the opera-high pitch of my voice due to nervousness. I play with a pen to hide the trembling of my fingers. I know better than to eat right before talking, cos my stomach would be churning so fast you can make butter in it. The butterflies don’t just stay in there; they invade every inch of my body. My worse case was back in high school where my eye started twitching uncontrollably. I fervently hoped that no one would notice. Sometimes I would have no recollection of whatever I’ve just said. To my credit, I think I hide my panic well most times.

I wonder why people are made to feel this way. I wish there was a better cure, but I think the only way to overcome this is by practice, practice and more practice. That’s why I let my mouth say yes before my brain gets the chance to say no when a public speaking opportunity arises. That’s why I think, or hope, that I am getting way better at this.

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