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Saturday, May 23, 2009

I’m Not Fun Anymore

Very whiney emo post ahead.

The bf says he tickles me so often and acts cheeky cos that’s the only surefire way to make me laugh these days. I used to be ‘joyful’ he says. I’m tempted to retort that maybe it’s because I met him. But he might actually be right.

I complain much more nowadays. I take fewer chances. I can’t stand irresponsible people. I don’t believe I can be the next UN Sec General anymore. I don’t feel like I can change the world. I blame everything on everyone else.

Is this how people turn into boring grumpy grouchy beings called adults?

I blame Wellington. When I first came, everything was new, fresh, exciting. I even took pictures of taxis and people’s backyards. Now, all I do is stay home, eat, watch dvds, and if I’m feeling particularly adventurous, try out a new coffee place. Not that there’re many that I haven’t tried yet.

Right now, I think, 4 years in Wellington is enough. A few years more and I might start losing limbs cos they’ve rotted away. I’ve been trying out new things like running a half marathon, working at a cafe, being a tutor, dying my hair, but the excitement wears off all too soon. I feel like that blond chick in Vicky Christina Barcelona. I need a change.

Obama, I blame you.


Trudi said...

aww hugs!

i blame the stinking weather.

for the next 6 months i'm probably gonna be grumpy and grouchy as well (following the trend from the last 3 years) i foresee that 97.65% of my complaints will be regarding how god-forsaken the weather in Wellington is; with the wind and the rain and the dark clouds and the cold temperature and the fact that no matter where i go and what i do and what i wear the rain drops will find me. whats the point of having nice hair or try to dress nice? (you see what i has already begun

the other 2.35% will be about honours. the never-ending workload.

but yeah.. i spent most of time complaining time grumbling bout the weather hehe

Phee said...

lol! yeah stupid weather, dunno how ppl can tahan. They should enclose the whole town in a capsule or sth, like those mini snow globes. no more rain!

was awesome catching up with ya just now,hugs!

Ven said...

Well, when the novelty of a new "home" had gone pass its sell by date, you will realise it's not quite home after all. Same case here and I will have at least another year ahead.

Btw, you want wellington to be made into Eden Project no. 2 huh?