Very whiney emo post ahead.
The bf says he tickles me so often and acts cheeky cos that’s the only surefire way to make me laugh these days. I used to be ‘joyful’ he says. I’m tempted to retort that maybe it’s because I met him. But he might actually be right.
I complain much more nowadays. I take fewer chances. I can’t stand irresponsible people. I don’t believe I can be the next UN Sec General anymore. I don’t feel like I can change the world. I blame everything on everyone else.
Is this how people turn into boring grumpy grouchy beings called adults?
I blame Wellington. When I first came, everything was new, fresh, exciting. I even took pictures of taxis and people’s backyards. Now, all I do is stay home, eat, watch dvds, and if I’m feeling particularly adventurous, try out a new coffee place. Not that there’re many that I haven’t tried yet.
Right now, I think, 4 years in Wellington is enough. A few years more and I might start losing limbs cos they’ve rotted away. I’ve been trying out new things like running a half marathon, working at a cafe, being a tutor, dying my hair, but the excitement wears off all too soon. I feel like that blond chick in Vicky Christina Barcelona. I need a change.
Obama, I blame you.