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Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Malunya Malaysia

While doing research on my 15 000 word essay *chokes*, I was shocked to find out that Malaysia has not signed nor ratified two of the most prominent international treaties on human rights: the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights, and the International Covenant on Economic and Social, and Cultural Rights.

Seriously, even countries with abysmal human rights records like China, Zimbabwe, Afghanistan have signed these treaties already.. To me, this indicates the lack of willingness of Malaysia to improve its human rights situations. Surely, the first step you'll take if you're serious about this is to make yourself accountable to the international community.

On hindsight really, it's no wonder. So malu man..

Note: "malu"= Malay for humiliating

Friday, April 24, 2009

Good recipes are meant to be shared!

3 years ago, I was first introduced to salty popcorn. Although objectionable at first, I soon grew to love it. After trying out most of the supermarket popcorn brands and flavours, I started experimenting with making my own popcorn. Today, after years of research, burnt paper bags, and a very cracked bowl, I have created my perfect popcorn recipe! The ultimate study snack and healthier than chips or supermarket popcorn~

Chicken Curry Popcorn (Warning: addictive)

1 210x240mm brown paper bag

half a cup of popping corn

1 tp of olive oil

1 oxo chicken stock cube

1tp of Empire hot curry powder

- Mix corn with oil.
- Crumble chicken stock cube into it. Add in curry powder (you can leave it out if you don’t like curry).
- Pour half of mixture into paper bag.
- Microwave on high for around 2-3min until popping slows down dramatically or stops.
- Pour out contents (careful it’s hot!) into a big bowl.
- Pour the rest of the unpopped corn into the non-oily side of the bag and microwave like before.
- Enjoy munching!

Another recipe that people have been asking me to share is my chocolate cake recipe. It can be retrieved from here:

I use 1 cup of cocoa and I don’t use a mixer. Super easy and dummy-proof. Try it and lemme know what you think!

Thursday, April 02, 2009

Where to from here?

I’ve been half-heartedly applying for jobs over here and contemplating where I’m going after I graduate end of this year.

I could stay in NZ, try and get a job, and apply for PR after 2 years. Then either stay on or head off.

Or I could just get married to a Kiwi and get my PR straightaway. ROTFLOL.

I could go back to Malaysia, study for the Bar for a year, be a chambering student (read: slave) for 9 months and then start practising as a lawyer.

Or I could go to the UK, pay exorbitant fees to study for a year to convert my degree, and then another year to take the Bar there. Then go back to Malaysia to do chambering (read: slaving) for 9 months.

I could do my Masters. (NOT appealing)

I could go on a working holiday all around the world for 6 months, ending up in UK just in time for my second bro’s graduation. Then choose one of the options above or settle down at somewhere that catches my fancy.

I like the sound of the last one. But being dad’s lil “thousand gold”, it’s an uphill battle for approval. Aieeeeee~