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Tuesday, September 30, 2008

My deepest fear

... is not that my loved ones should pass away and leave me, but that they should do so without knowing God, that I should have no hope of ever seeing them again, and that I never mustered enough will and courage to talk to them about God. Tears flow when I’m reminded about this possibility, and I get angry and disappointed with myself for always leaving it to another day, thinking there’ll always be another chance to do it, or that someone else will talk to them. I worry that I’m not praying enough, not fasting, not trying hard enough. When I was younger, I used to pray for them every night, but somehow, I lost that along the way. Did I lose hope for them? Or did I not believe that God will answer my prayers? Either way, I should not have stopped. For my family and one of my closest friends, my greatest wish is for them to come to know Him, believe in Him and love Him. At the very least, to take the first step to find out more about Him, for I know that when ones seeks, one shall find. If not for their own salvation, then for my selfishness in not wanting to lose them. Nothing else matters really, yet it’s astonishing how easy it is to talk about less important stuff when opportunities arise to breach the topic...

Friday, September 26, 2008

Melbourne, I is coming~~~

Thanks to mummy for sponsoring my trip! *heart*

Wednesday, September 24, 2008


I'm amazed sometimes at my ability to feel happy for others... non of that that's-great-for-you-wish-things-were-the-same-for-me-too, but a pure, genuine kind of joy when I hear good things happening to others.. so totally makes my day~!

People getting married...

People getting together...
People planning surprises for others...

*happy sigh~*

Friday, September 19, 2008

Can I just not care for once?

Yayness! I got a new template for my blog~ no more boring beginner templates that everyone else uses..although there're probably lotsa ppl using this one too.. but still not as many as my previous template, so there!

This morning, I was reading 2 Corinthians chapters 2 and 3.. what struck me was 3:18

But we all, with unveiled face, beholding as in a mirror the glory of the Lord, are being transformed into the same image from glory to glory, just as by the Spirit of the Lord.

Sometimes, envy gets the better of you.. especially when you're reading blogs, where people only post up the best sides of their faces (I might just be guilty of this), how wonderful their life is, and how much fun they're having all the time. It makes you wish that your life's more like theirs, that you are more like them.

But the Bible says that the person we should be mirroring is Jesus, and not some random blogger or some good-looking superhigh achiever. (Although Jesus was a superhigh achiever I reckon, and probably good-looking too :P ). We should want to be more like Him.

Must. keep. that. in. mind, although it's pretty hard I admit! I reckon I get swayed a tad too much by what the world thinks I should be, rather than what God wants me to be.

Sunday, September 14, 2008

I wanna be Foreign Minister!

Malaysian news is so fascinating, someone should make a movie out of it! ISA, trampling of Orang Asli rights, sodomy, murder trials.. even the world's best scriptwriter high on drugs wouldn't be able to come up with a more convoluted storyline. To save on costs, the movie makers could get monkeys to play certain characters... Bet the monkeys would get Oscars too for best performance.

On another note, being Foreign Minister seems to be a pretty awesome job. You get to tell the U.S to butt off, plus you get to fly to all sorts of places AND get paid for it. The current one's a lawyer by profession.. guess I chose the write subject to study!