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Monday, January 28, 2008


So I cut my hair short.. But I'm having really sucky luck recently (apart from my haircut) so I can't be bothered to blog about it :((( Sigh~

Sunday, January 27, 2008

Mark This Day

The time has finally come.
Yes, I can feel right down to my bones,
The tingle of excitement, anticipation.
How long I've waited for this day,
How long I've fantasised about it.
I've held back too long,
I've talked myself out of it.
I've envied those who've done it,
The glow on their faces..
The spring in their steps,
The knowing looks they give..
But not anymore!
Today I shall go all the way,
And you, my adoring masses,
shall be the first to hear all about it...

Just don't tell the boyfriend.

Yes! My adoring masses still love me!

As evidenced from the ONE comment I got from dear Lainey.. and yes, that is the same pot I used to serve rice to my guests 6 hours later.

Wednesday, January 16, 2008


A grandfather told his grandson that there were 2 wolves which were arch enemies. One was good, fair, kind and just. The other was greedy, corrupt, and power-crazy. The grandson asked," So which wolf will win the fight?" And the grandfather answered: "The one that we feed."

Monday, January 14, 2008


My obsession for flow-y blouses came to an all-time high when I found myself trying on MATERNITY clothes -_- It's ok it's ok, I'm on to frilly blouses now! Like this one:

*Warning: bimbomania* Nice kan nice kan? If you see anywhere got sell, lemme know k!! I'm hooked on the Korean drama series Yu Hee the Witch now, and I LOooVE the way the main character dresses after her transformation (Chewah, not only Transformers can transform). Plus the boyfriend always do romantic stuff for her, see already the heart can melt *HINT HINT* Mm.. next time if I work, I'll dress like the main character like that. I'm even thinking of getting a bob.. but the Mr said before, he'll grow long hair if I cut mine short, so.. CANNOT! maybe next time lah, when he no hair to grow long hair ady..hehehe~~~

Speaking of pregnancy, I was talking to my mum the other day. My mum said, give birth VERY painful one ok! And the contractions come so rapidly until you cannot breathe.. I can imagine all the bones around the vagina splitting, and all the blood and sweat and screaming and goo.. Worse, the horror doesn't end there.. After you give birth, some women will become fat like cow! I think I will be one of those lo.. Dammit, I don't wanna give birth! I shall be like Angelina Jolie and adopt black kids..


Ok la, even if I do give birth, I'm gonna make sure the dad of my kid is a super duper awesome guy who will pamper me like a princess especially during the 9 months of pregnancy and EXTRA especially after I give birth! Plus cannot dump me after I become fat.. must make him sign pre-nuptial or something..wahaha~~

Wednesday, January 02, 2008

Random update

You stray, you pay... But gee, what a price! Sorry Mr Chua, year end sale finish already. My condolences...

On another note, NEVER leave your pot unwashed for 3 weeks...